
Contributions to the blog
Email your submission to fargreenland [at]

 Blog posts are 500-1000 words and are expected to link comparative and historical scholarship to a discussion of a current event, issue, or a news story. Your contribution might take one of any number of forms:

–       A short essay highlighting the key facts that people need to know about a current issue or an event. (For example: “Three Things to Know About Wealth Inequality in the Advanced Nations”)

–       A list of facts and myths. (For example: “Taxation of Wealth in the US: Myths & Facts”)

–       Your views about legislation that is being debated in the Congress, or some other forum. (For example: “Putting Affordable Care Act in a Comparative and Historical Context”)

–       Reflections on a book or article that really got under your skin. (For example: “Some Thoughts on Insert Book Title”)

–       A discussion of what you took away from a workshop you recently attended.

–       A policy proposal regarding a social problem

–       A short interview with your favorite public intellectual or sociologist about an issue or event of importance

–       Particularly if you are an expert on a particular region, a discussion of things that are happening there, and why?

Submission guidelines

  • Please remember that you are writing for a general audience. We will be sharing your essay on various social media outlets. Please keep the academic jargon to a minimum. Your scholarly expertise on a subject must be delivered in a broadly accessible form.
  • While we do not expect you to back up your claims with data, we would like you to remember that your claims must be in a form that can be supported with social scientific evidence.
  • Files should be sent via email in .doc or .docx format.
  • If you want to include a graph, please use a caption to explain, or make sure that it is self-explanatory. Attach it to your email separately.
  • Any photos or illustrations that you would like to include in your essay should be attached separately as well, and must be in high resolution (at least 300 dpi). Please note that we cannot publish copyrighted photos without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
  • No footnotes or bibliographies. You can either identify relevant sources in the endnotes, or you can simply embed a hyperlink in the text.
  • Please do not forget to include a brief bio at the end (not more than three sentences). You are also welcome to include a link to your website embedded with your name.

If you have an idea for a blog post, you can contact any one of our editorial committee members.  In the subject line please write “PT blog submission.” We look forward to hearing from you!